Stop & Shop Driverless Mobile-Mart Coming Soon to Boston
Driving to a grocery store will soon be a task of the past. Over the past year or two, Stop & Shop has really changed the supermarket game when it comes to easy convenience and food shopping. First came the self-checkout, then came Marty, the spill-searching customer-safety robot (that's a waste of money if you ask me), and now for their latest news: a driverless, autonomous, mobile grocery store on wheels called Robomart.
Here's how it works:
According to, Stop & Shop customers can use their smartphone to order their groceries using an app that will eventually connect to the Robomart that will allow you to order, grab and unlock the vehicle. Robomart will deliver meal kits, produce and other food items for the more convenient items to customers without them leaving their homes. Once the customers take what they need, they will have their receipts e-mailed to them as soon as the order/delivery is complete.
The future of this mobile grocery store is well within reach and launches in the spring of 2019 in the Greater Boston area. As of right now, Robomart has not been tested by the MassDOT but will be soon to fully develop the driverless vehicle. The vehicle will not be completely autonomous at first and will require a driver until they perfect the process.