Shorter Ad Messages Are The Future
When does an audio ad turn you off?
That was question posed to hundreds of radio listeners at a the hivio conference this past June hosted by Mark Ramsey Media. After being asked “When Does An Audio Ad/Message Turn You Off” some of the words most notably repeated were LONG, MUCH and BORING. As in, long ads have too much stuff and are boring.
In a separate survey, the same audience reported being more likely to respond to a :15 spot or a 1-line promotional mention rather than the traditional :30 spot. (You can read the full report by Mark Ramsey Media here.)
What does this mean for you? It means spring may be a great time to refresh your spot copy AND spot length. Want to get involved with some promotions that give your brand a high number of promotional mentions?
WBSM and Fun107 have contests/ promotions/events going on all year long that will position your business in front of our audience across all day parts for as little as 2 weeks to 2 months at a time! Contact our office for a list of upcoming promotional opportunities for your business to get involved with.