Rock and Fox Show Morning Mindbenders Week of 7/22
If you missed any this week, here are the answers to the Morning Mindbenders on the Rock and Fox Show.
Monday 7/22
Question: The average mom is the U.S. will do this on average 3 times each year?
Answer: stay home in her PJ's all day
Tuesday 7/23
Question: According to new research this will increase your pain tolerance?
Answer: cursing or swearing
Wednesday 7/24
Question: This is one of the fasted growing games in America right now?
Answer: Monopoly
Thursday 7/25
Question: According to a new survey, more than half of millennials would rather spend money on this than technology?
Answer: travel
Friday 7/26
Question: Nearly half of teens have ignored their parents when asked to do this?
Answer: accept their social media friend/follow request