Kitten Rescued With Jaws Of Life [PHOTOS]
Animal Control in Johnston, Rhode Island saved a kitten's life this week.
A homeowner on Greenville Ave heard the cries of a kitten in her yard earlier this week and when she went to investigate, found a kitten had wedged itself between large boudlers on her property.
According to NBC 10, it's thought the kitten was following its mother along the stone wall when it slipped and became trapped between the heavy rocks.
It's thought the poor little thing was trapped there for days before the homeowner heard it and called Animal Control.
When the officers came they found freeing the cat would be harder than expected and the fire department was called to bring in the jaws of life.
After 45 minutes the kitten was freed! The cute white cat was then checked out, bathed, fixed and fed and is now ready to be adopted. Anyone interested in providing a home to sheltered animals is asked to call Johnston Animal Control at 401-757-3144.