Know the 1984 ‘Funeral Rule’ When Paying for a Massachusetts Funeral
Death is a part of life and at some point, we have to attend funerals, arrange a funeral service, and in many cases both. Though it's not something we look forward to or are thinking about every day it's good to know how much a funeral will set you back in case a loved one passes away and you're the one in charge of planning and funding the funeral service for the deceased. So let's take a look at the average cost of a funeral in Massachusetts.

What is the Average Cost of a Massachusetts Funeral in 2024?
There are a couple of different sources that have differing costs for a funeral in Massachusetts. World Population Review states that the average price for a funeral in Massachusetts in 2024 was $10,270.
Massachusetts Residents Should Have Knowledge of the 1984 'Funeral Rule'
World Population Review also notes that if you're planning and paying for a funeral you should know your rights and are allowed to buy the goods and services you want. This means if you only want to have a direct burial and forgo the viewing and memorial services, for example, you have the right to purchase that particular package. You also have the right to be given an itemized statement of all goods and services, be told price information over the phone, and other rights related to your funeral. This all falls under the Funeral Rule which was introduced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in 1984.
The NFDA's Statement of Funeral Costs in Massachusetts
If we look at the National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA) we'll see that the cost for a funeral in Massachusetts is $8,985. This price tag includes a viewing, ceremony, and burial. The site states that if you choose the cremation option along with a viewing that cost will be $7,023.
Research is Key, Do Your Homework
No matter which option you choose for a funeral be it all of the bells and whistles or a bare-bones burial the best thing to do is pick up the phone and speak with a representative from the funeral home of your choice to get a clear vision of what you can expect to pay. Remember in addition to the services you choose the cost will vary depending on the funeral home you desire as well where you're located in Massachusetts. The cost for a funeral most likely looks a bit different in Boston compared to Holyoke or Pittsfield for example. You can check out average costs on websites all day but ultimately the best thing to do is to speak with a live person at the funeral home.
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