I am not saying that there is even a slight chance that it will ever open again. Only the sign remains. I'm sure the Fairhaven Drive-in closed when outdoor movie theaters were failing due to the new hi-tech digital indoor surround-sound theaters.

However, drive-in theaters seem to be gaining in popularity again, or at least holding their own. The experience is unique. And unfortunately there is a generation that has not and maybe never will enjoy a drive-in movie on a summer night. Pulling into your spot, then walking from your car to the snack bar to grab popcorn or a burger, fries and a coke. Breathing the fresh air while watching the flick.

Tri View Facebook Page
Tri View Facebook Page

There are still successful drive-ins in the region. The nearest to the Southcoast are Rustic Tri View in North Smithfield, Rhode Island, and the Mendon Twin Drive-in, which is about 70 miles away. In the Phoenix, Arizona area I came across a few multi-screen drive-in theaters. They have the advantage of being open all year.

Mendon Twin View Facebook Page
Mendon Twin View Facebook Page

I'm guessing that a such a theater would do very well right here on the Southcoast. If only i had the money and land, I'd love to build one. Just another thing to add to the list of what I would do if I won Powerball.

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