I have been getting SWAMPED with spam calls on my cell phone lately. Here's how to make them stop.

I don't know what is going on. Over the past 6-8 months, I have been getting absolutely crushed with nonstop spam calls on my cell phone.

Literally every morning I get a call from an energy company looking to save me money by locking in rates. Every. Single. Day. I used to politely tell them that I'm not interested, then I started getting annoyed and hanging up.

My new game is to see how long I can keep them on the phone. I figure if they're wasting MY time, I might as well waste THEIR time, too. I'm hoping that I'll get on some special list. "Hey, you don't want to call that guy, he'll just waste your time." That's the Do Not Call list I want to be on.

Apparently, my social security number has been compromised. Luckily, there's a nice man from a country somewhere in India that is willing to help me out. He calls me a few times a day.

I've got people calling trying to sell me Google ads every day. I've got people trying to sell me everything under the sun. My phone is ringing all day long.

There is a way to get on a DO NOT CALL LIST. The FCC outlines the very simple procedure on their website: https://www.donotcall.gov/  It took me less than one minute to register. My fingers are crossed that the calls will stop. You should allow several weeks for the Do Not Call list to be updated everywhere.

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