Hey, MassDOT, We Think You Confused Fall River for New Bedford
We here in New Bedford may be starting to get a complex.
A few weeks ago, Senator Elizabeth Warren's staff mistakenly put "New Bedford" on a video featuring the senator speaking in Fall River. Considering her staff is probably comprised of people from all over, we can almost forgive them for making that mistake.
But the Massachusetts Department of Transportation should know better!
MassDOT put out a tweet Sunday to inform people of a public meeting taking place this Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at Greater New Bedford Voc-Tech, to discuss MassDOT's Capital Investment Plan for 2019 through 2023.
But the tweet included a photo of the Braga Bridge in Fall River!
Now, we get it. The CIP probably includes some more upgrades to the Braga Bridge. Or maybe they just wanted to tout one of their local successful projects in the tweet.
But we also have a bridge here in New Bedford (spanning to Fairhaven) that we'd like to see get some attention, too.
Sure, it was recently closed for 10 days for some upgrades and repairs...but if this CIP covers projects for the next five years, you've got to think more work for the New Bedford-Fairhaven Bridge--or, dare we say, a complete replacement--is in store in the coming years.
C'mon, MassDOT...you've spent enough time repairing all these roads across the SouthCoast, we would think you'd know the difference by now.
Or maybe they just didn't want to have to use a photo of a bridge they know should have been replaced long ago!
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