Get Ready for the Great New England Pumpkin Pie Contest at Plimoth Patuxet
There's nothing like a good old fashioned pumpkin pie contest to get you in the Thanksgiving spirit. If you or someone you know makes a mean pumpkin pie, Plimoth Patuxet (formerly Plimoth Plantation) would love to try it.
The Great New England Pumpkin Pie Contest is looking for both professional and amateur bakers to enter. There is also a category for kids under 18. The pumpkin pies will be judged on overall appearance, crust, creativity, and flavor.
It costs $6 to enter your pie, and every contestant is limited to entering one pie only. Contestants need to be signed up for the contest no later than Saturday, October 30. Pies will be delivered to Plimoth Patuxet Museums between 9 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, November 6.
"We like to say that history is in the baking,” noted Christina Coleman, Plimoth Patuxet Museums’ Director of Public Programs and Hospitality, and organizer of the contest. “This museum has a long and respected role in Thanksgiving-related programming and historic foodways, and we’re happy to pay tribute to this classic, popular pie that is enjoyed by many during this wonderful season.”
There are a laundry list of prizes for first, second and third place, including season tickets for your family to the museum and seats at the Thanksgiving dinner. To me, however, just the honor of winning and being acknowledged at the location of the original Thanksgiving would be enough.
Unfortunately for us, the celebrity panel of judges has already been filled, but there's always next year.