Happy 90th Birthday, Pep!

I'm proud to say that my Pepe' has reached a new milestone in his life by reaching the rare age of 90. I can't even begin to tell you how proud of this man I am, all due to his ways and decisions of life. Through exercise, healthy and controlled eating and everything else in between that has helped my grandfather progress through the years, he was able to reach an age that some may call an impossibility with all of the troubles in the world today.

Like always, it's always a pleasure visiting him and my grandmother (Memere'). Speaking of which, SHE just happened to be a "Leap-Year" baby and was born on the 29th of February (my Pep on the 28th). Each and every year, both Grandparents celebrate their birthdays together with my family. It not only makes it easy to remember but easy for us to all gather together.

In the video shown above, Pep tells us all his secrets of how he has been able to stay "young at heart" and what you, yourself, must do in order to reach the age that he his humble to be. That being said... Happy Birthday, Pep! Happy Birthday, Mem! Love you both very much, here's to many more years!

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