Fall River YMCA to Host Mobile Market Events in April
For a multitude of reasons, numerous food pantries in the Fall River area have closed since the COVID-19 coronavirus crisis began.
The Fall River YMCA has partnered with The Greater Boston Food Bank to offer a temporary mobile market from 11 am to 1 pm on two Saturdays and two Thursdays in April. The dates are as follows:
- Saturday, April 4
- Saturday, April 11
- Thursday, April 16
- Thursday, April 30
Additional dates will be added as necessary.
Food items will be pre-packaged for a no-contact, drive-thru pick-up. CDC safety guidelines will be followed at all times. Everyone must keep six feet between themselves and individuals in order to adhere to social distancing regulations. The distribution will take place completely outside of the Fall River YMCA building. Trunks must be accessible and clear enough for two grocery bags.
“Pantries are seeing a huge increase in need across our communities during the COVID-19 crisis. Food insecurity is often misunderstood as individuals or families who go hungry every day,” said Kate Levin, the Membership and Marketing Director for YMCA SOUTHCOAST. “The reality is that food insecurity impacts families living above and below the poverty line and is defined by their ability to access affordable fresh, nutritious food consistently. Given the shortages and hoarding, we have seen, compounded by the loss of income, families most at risk are currently pushed beyond their ability to provide for their families.”
The Fall River YMCA is located at 199 N Main St.