Fairhaven Installs Sunscreen Dispensers Across Town
A nice amenity has been added around the Town of Fairhaven.
If you and your family are outside walking or at a Little League game and you forgot to pack the sunscreen, Fairhaven has your back (and your neck and arms).
Sunscreen dispensers have been installed all around the seaside town in more than a dozen locations. That means free sunscreen for the public at these popular hotspots:
- Fort Phoenix
- Seaview Avenue Beach
- Causeway Road
- Pope Beach
- Livsey Park
- Cushman Park
- Macomber/Pimental Field
- Recreation Center
- Public Works
- Two locations of the Fairhaven Bike Path
The Fairhaven Health Department made a promise earlier this year to have the sunscreen dispensers up and running by Memorial Day weekend, and they came through on the promise.
Southcoast Health provided funding for the Bright Guard Sport SPF 30 sunscreen. The sunscreen is brand new, which is important.
One common mistake people is applying out-of-date sunscreen. Using sunscreen past its expiration date can significantly reduce the effectiveness of the protection the sunscreen is supposed to offer.
In addition to wearing sunscreen, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also recommends finding shade when you can, and wearing sunglasses, a hat and clothing that will protect you from the direct sunlight. The CDC also discourages using any sunscreen that has been sitting for three years or more.
Practicing these precautions can cut down your chances of developing skin cancer in later years.
Fairhaven's Health Department also extended thanks to Health Agent David Flaherty and Board of Public Works Superintendent Vincent Furtado for their help with the installation.