I've lived on the SouthCoast for decades, and for years I've always wondered about the extremely awkward traffic flow in front of the Oxford School.  Honestly, I've never seen anything like it.  I'm not sure who could look at the traffic flow in front of the Oxford School and say, "Yup, that's perfect.  That shouldn't cause any problems at all."  I can't believe people haven't complained about it more, but it's probably because it's normal to the people who grew up with it.

I wrote an article about the strange road 8 years ago on Fun107.com.  As you can see in the picture below, if you stay in your lane and follow the red arrow you will collide head on with oncoming traffic.  Instead, you have to bear right in a bizarre move that forces you to cut through a lane of traffic.

This is what it looked like.  I mean, does this look sensible and safe?

Google Maps
Google Maps

Thankfully, someone else realized how ridiculous this was and made a change.

The double yellow line has been shifted over, and the area in front of what used to be the Oxford School had now been coned off from traffic. It almost looks like a fire lane or an area for pedestrians, but it isn't really clear how the area will be used.

Michael Rock/Townsquare Media
Michael Rock/Townsquare Media

Here's another angle.  You can see the extra space that used to be here has been included in the footprint of the Oxford School Residences.  Goodbye weird Main Street, Fairhaven.

Michael Rock/Townsquare Media
Michael Rock/Townsquare Media

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