The weather on the SouthCoast is turning a corner. Warmer temperatures are settling in. I eagerly anticipate this time of year when I can finally dust off my bicycle and begin commuting to work — at least when the sun is shining.

When I bought my bike, I was thrilled to start riding. The allure of the outdoors, the invigorating fresh air, the exercise and the exhilarating freedom on two wheels — these are the sensations I look forward to each time I snap on my helmet.

Recently, however, I’ve found it challenging to fully enjoy the experience.

Living in the bustling city of New Bedford, one might assume that cycling anxiety would be highest navigating its busy streets. Surprisingly, my real apprehension arises not in New Bedford but in Fairhaven, specifically along Route 6.

Despite the speed limit being set at a reasonable 30-35 mph, vehicles often zoom by at breakneck speeds, transforming the route into a speedway and making it an intimidating experience for cyclists. It’s frustrating to be seen as an obstacle when using the designated bike lane, as aggressive drivers treat my presence as an inconvenience.

READ MORE: Are Bicycles Allowed on the Buttonwood Park Sidewalk?

Near-misses with cars, whose drivers try to squeeze past me while I hug the sidewalk as closely as possible, is all too common.We're supposed to share the road. I refuse to ride up on the sidewalk, which is for pedestrians.

To the drivers of Fairhaven, it’s time to do better.

Sharing the road with bicyclists isn’t just a matter of courtesy — it’s a matter of safety and respect for others. Let's work together to make our roads safer and more accommodating for everyone.

Priceless Reactions to Woman Riding a Bicycle on I-93 in Boston

These commenters didn't hold back at all.

Gallery Credit: Jadd

When the New Bedford-Fairhaven Bridge Is Closed, Do This to Pass the Time

The New Bedford-Fairhaven Bridge closes. A lot. Here's how to pass the time when you didn't check the schedule and find yourself stuck waiting for the bridge to open. These fun suggestions come from our Facebook friends and appear exactly as they submitted them.

Gallery Credit: Jackson Scott

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