Donate To ‘Rise Up For Homes’ To Help Shelter The Homeless
Homelessness is a serious situation and this Friday I'll be separating myself from the comfort and necessities that fulfill my every day life by spending the night outside from dusk to dawn to spread awareness.
Leaders from all around the local community will be joining together to spend one night from 6 PM- 6 AM outside of Normandin Middle School on Friday (October 16th, 2015). We will be teaming up and discussing ideas to better the lives of those who are less fortunate and without a home.
Although we will be doing our part, we are seeking your help as well. Donations are needed to raise resources and support the effort to end homelessness in our area and hopefully beyond.
To help the cause, please visit Rise Up For Homes to donate online. Checks can also be mailed to First Citizen's Federal Credit Union, 200 Mill Rd. Ste 100, Fairhaven, MA 02719 and made payable to "Rise Up For Homes".
First Citizen's Federal Credit Union has just added a new link that will assist in the donations. To help out with F.C.F.C.U.and HSPN, Click Here:
Our Friends over at HSPN (Homeless Service Providers Network) has also set up a text-to-fund number that makes donating that much easier! Simply text the word "RISEUP" to the number "50155" and you can send any money amount that you wish to donate.
My fellow Colleagues and I will only be equipped with the clothes on our back, a smart phone to log activity and address the general public of how "real" it will get and a cardboard box to sleep in.
No food, furniture or electronics (besides our logging phones) will be present.
We live our every day lives as we are accustomed to, but never stop to think about those who aren't as lucky, who are living without a roof over their head.
This will truly be a life-changing retreat for me and I'm sure I can speak on behalf of everyone who is joining me that one homeless night is too many.