5 Tips to Avoid Hitting a Deer on Southcoast Back Roads
Here's some tips that won't leave you like a deer in headlights when you this situation happens to you
November marks the middle point of the deer mating season. During these times deer aren't normally on high alert for cars on the road, since they've got some other things on their minds. Peak collisions occur the two hours before sunrise and two hours after sunset during this season. In order to save your car from hundreds of dollars in repairs, follow these tips:
Brake, Don't Swerve
If a deer is running infront of you, it is best to firmly brake but DO NOT swerve. Swerving will likely result in a vehicle-vehicle collision, striking a pedestrian or tree, causing more damage to you and your vehicle.
Beware of Herds
Deer rarely explore the wild alone. When a deer is spotted in the road take full precaution- there may be more coming.
Warn Other Drivers
Flash your high beams to warn approaching drivers when a deer is spotted on the road.
Don't Rely on Devices
Reasearch shows your best defense against deer collisions is your own responsible behavior. Although deer whistles and reflectors may limit your chances, don't bank on it saving your drive.
Be on High Alert on Commute
When driving at dusk or dawn remember to be on high alert. Scan your roadsides and be cautious of blind spots on the road.