They study it every year, the drinking habits of football fans. So where do Patriots fans rank among the drinkers this year?

If you've ever been to Gillette Stadium on game day or just joined a tailgate party for fun, you know Patriots fans can drink! But apparently we don't drink nearly as much as some other NFL fans.

The latest BACtrack Consumption Report shows that Buffalo Bills fans have the honor (dishonor?) of being the drunkest in the NFL.

Perhaps its the freezing cold conditions they have to sit in to watch a home game later in the season...or the fact that their team hasn't made the playoffs since 1999. Whatever the reason, Bills fans clearly like to drink on game day.

And though Patriots fans like their beer as well, they are not at all the drunkest fans in the NFL.

bac chart

As the report shows, Pats fans are pretty much in the middle of the pack with Lions, Eagles, Browns and Cardinals fans among those ahead of us.

More sober team fans include the Giants, Texans, Saints and Titans, While the Cincinnati Bengals fans are the most sober in the NFL.

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