Animal Activists Protest Fairhaven Pig Roast
Online promotion of a Fairhaven pig roast is causing quite the stir.
The Farmer's Kitchen's is located on Acushnet Ave in New Bedford. Their Facebook page describes itself as "the farm stand of Wyandotte Farm from Mattapoisett, sourcing locally raised products to create home cooked comfort food." The owners say they were rated 5 out of 5 stars on Facebook until online protesters got upset about the planned pig roast (flyer shown above). Self described local animal rights activists expressed disgust over the thought of a pig roast to benefit the Fairhaven Animal Shelter. One commenter wrote this:
"Murdering an animal as a fundraiser to help other animals. It makes no sense. Pigs are as intelligent and sentient as dogs and cats and their lives matter to them just as much as dogs and cats lives matter to dogs and cats. It's incredibly hypocritical."
However, one woman offered this rebuttal, "Are these comments serious? I bet if it was a spaghetti dinner no one would bat an eye about the cow that was used in the meat sauce."
The owner of the Farmer' Kitchen defended the pig roast fundraiser, calling some of the commenters, "Clueless. The animal will be killed for human consumption one way or another. We just wanted to have fun and help the local shelter. Not everybody is Vegan. Diversity happens." He continued:
"The pig becomes food either way. For this event or for the customers that WANT to BUY a humanely raised animal that had an enviable life eating a natural hormone free, antibiotic free non GMO diet. Maybe get a life before you unnecessarily mess with a small town, small farm, small business, for what?" --The Farmer's Kitchen Facebook