Wondering just how many lemonade stands you'll see on May 7th?  Thanks to our Lemonade Day Google Map, here's a complete list of Lemonade Day stands locations and notes on what our young business leaders are working so hard to earn money for!  

1. Yellow Line Lemonade, 984 Tucker Road
2. The Two Lemon Tellers, hosted by BayCoast Bank, 299 State Rd.
3. Two Sweet Girls Lemonade, hosted by Lowe's, 55 Faunce Corner Road
4. Bros. Just Right Lemonade, hosted by BayCoast Bank, 714 Dartmouth Street
5. Higgins' Stand, 286 Elm Street

1. When Life Gives You Lemons, hosted by Lee's Market, 796 Main Road

1.  Live, Love, Lemonade, hosted by Auclair's Market, 145 County Street,
2.  Amelia's Hula Lemonade, 1049 County Street
3.  Kailey & Logan's Galactic Lemonade, hosted by SONIC, 707 GAR Highway
4. The Sweet Spot Lemonade, 1804 County Street
5. A Batter's Squeeze Lemonade, hosted by Somerset Creamery, 146 County St.
6. Lemon Drop Lemonade, hosted by BayCoast Bank, 921 GAR Highway
7. J's Lemonade, hosted by North End Seafood, 970 County Street


Fall River
1. Minion-ade, hosted by Amaral's Central Market, 872 Globe Street
2. Hannah's Lemonade Stand, hosted by Leddy's Bakery on South Main Street
3. Lahrissa's Casa De Limonada,  Portugalia Marketplace, 489 Bedford Street
4. Jayden's Lemonade Stand,  KP Manning Auto Parts, 1200 Plymouth Ave.
5. Bri-Ann's Lemonade, hosted by St. Vincent de Paul, 1799 Pleasant Street
6. Sophia's Lemonade, hosted by BayCoast Bank, 1485 Pleasant Street
7. Scarlett's Strawberry Lemonade, hosted by Frugal Franks, 126 Shove Street
8. Cap'n Sweet's Lemonade,  Blount Soup Market & Clam Shack840 Bedford St.
9. Lemons from Heaven, hosted by BayCoast Bank490 Robeson Street
10. Abby's Paradise, 4171 N. Main Street
11. Mason & Avery's Lemonade Stand, MVB Barber Shop, 783 Globe St.
12. Felicity's Lemonade, hosted by Advanced Auto Parts, 361 Quarry Street
13. Empire Lemonade, hosted by Empire Hyundai, 428 Pleasant Street
14. 2 Guys & A Gal, hosted by Oriental Chow Mein, 8th Street
15. Relay for Lemoniada, hosted by Baycoast Bank, 81 Troy Street
16. Buy the Water Lemonade,  Fairhaven Marine Services, 75 Ferry Street
17. Squeeze Me with Fun Lemonade, hosted by BayCoast Bank, Stafford Road
18. Bree & Brian Lemonade, 1059 Bay Street
19. Ben's Ice Cold Lemonade, 1365 Rodman Street
20. Life's Lemons, 428 Cambridge Street
21. We Love Lemonade, Children's Aquarium & Exploration Center, 16 Granite St.
22. Zoey's Nom Noms, Lizzie Borden's Bed & Breakfast, 230 Second Street
23. Sayler's Lemons, 1074 Stafford Rd.
24. Mastery School's Masterful Lemonade, 30 Third Street


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