109-Year Old Man Knits Sweaters For Penguins
Alfred “Alfie” Date is not your average 109-year old. Date spends his time knitting sweaters, but they're tiny sweaters for penguins, not people.
Date at 109-years-old, is the oldest citizen in Australia. He has over 80 years of knitting experience. He put his skills to good use when he heard about The Penguin Foundation.
Following a massive oil spill, Philip Island's Penguin Foundation requested tiny sweaters for injured penguins. The sweaters prevented the penguins from preening or ingesting any of the toxic oil that was among them.
It's amazing and we feel quite privileged to have him dedicating his time and effort to the Penguin Foundation.
Date couldn't refuse the offer of knitting little sweaters for his soon to be bird friends. In fact, Date says "I'm a sucker... I can't say no".
The foundation named Date their “most senior little penguin jumper knitter". They went on to thank him and said "It's amazing and we feel quite privileged to have him dedicating his time and effort to the Penguin Foundation"
If you're feeling like picking up your knitting needles and making our penguin friends some sweaters, well slow down. The foundation says they have plenty of sweaters and does not need anymore at this current time.