Who is Interested in a Holiday Gift Exchange?
Not Me.
But the same cannot be said for just about every female in my Facebook newsfeed. Each day I'm seeing two or three posts asking the following:
Helloooo ladies... anyone interested in a Holiday Gift exchange? It doesn't matter where you live - you are welcome to join! UPS will do the work for us!
I need at least 6 (or more) ladies of any age to participate in a secret sister gift exchange. You only have to buy ONE gift valued at $15 or more and send it to one secret sister and then you will receive gifts, too. Yes, it's kinda like a snowball effect, but with presents! You will receive AT LEAST 36 gifts if everyone is committed and does their part.
Let me know if you are interested and I will send you the information! Please don't ask to participate if you are not willing to commit to purchasing a secret sister gift and getting it shipped quickly. Your gift should be purchased and shipped within one week.
Comment that you're in and committed and I will send you the information and we'll get this gift exchange started!
To start, math is not my forte. I feel that this inadequacy is what is stopping me from understanding this entire thing. How does buying 1 gift result in me getting 36 gifts in return? Some posts say the gift should be $10, some say $15... red flags, folks! Where's the consistency in the rules?
Is this some annoying, spammy thing my mom is going to get sucked into? Am I going to get a phone call at 8am asking me why Facebook is posting pictures of Ray Bans on my 89 year old aunt's page?
I don't want to tell anyone I'm interested - because I'm not- but I really want to see the "info" that would be sent to me if I did express interest. (This strategy, by the way, is strongly discouraged which is why despite my begging, no one will send me the info.)
Help us out, Southcoast! How the heck does this new Facebook trend work? Whether it really works or is really a scam- I'm sure my mom would love to know!