What Does This Sign Say on Route 195 and 140?
If you've driven past this sign, it may be too much to read.
Over on 195 westbound near the Plymouth Avenue exit, and on 140 South right after you pass over Hathaway Road, there are billboards recently put up by Southcoast Health. Both signs are the same, but there's a paragraph on it that's almost too difficult to read. I mean, depending on how fast you're driving, you might only catch a couple of words, and my vision is very good.
After doing a little digging, I found out what the signs say and decided to post it here in this article for all those who, like me, are curious to figure it out. The sign says the following message:
"Spirited debate and respectful dialogue are central elements of an effective democracy. Thank you to all Southcoast Health nurses for all that you do, and for your unwavering commitment to our patients. You define what it means to be more than medicine." -Southcoast Health
After the recent voting on question 1, this was Southcoast's way of saying thank you for all to see. So, in case you couldn't see what the sign was saying, I hope that this article shined a bit of assistance.
Carry on!