Wareham Crossing Summer Movie Nights Announced
Every summer gets bigger and better and this summer the Wareham Crossing Movie Nights will be a big hit for the kids and adults.
There will be lots of fun activities starting at sundown (around 6:30pm) outside of the Southcoast Health Urgent Care Center. Stuff for the kids like; face painting, arts and crafts and snacks too!
Tuesday, July 18 - Beauty & the Beast
Tuesday, July 25 - The Lego Batman Movie
Tuesday, Aug 1 - Finding Dory
Tuesday, Aug 8 - Sing
The Wareham Gatemen will be our special guests on Tuesday, July 18th, so join us for games with Knucklebones and facepainting. The movie begins at dusk, approx 8:30PM.
All movies and activities are weather permitting, so be sure to check in advance if the weather looks questionable.
Movie Nights are presented by Southcoast Health Urgent Care Center.
#movienights 😊