This is Massachusetts’ Favorite 90’s Movie According to Google
I think everyone has a favorite 90's movie...but as a state, this is apparently our #1.
According to Google Trends data collected over the past decade, every state has a most searched 90's movie. If Google is our indicator, here in Massachusetts our favorite movie from the 90's is Titanic. That doesn't surprise me - we love us some Leo here in MA. And we're suckers for a love story of titanic proportions and a good 'ole fashioned shipwreck. We're well-versed in both here.
However, I have to say. If you grew up in the 90's in Massachusetts, particularly on the coast, and didn't spend every minute you were in the ocean, pool, lake, or bathtub pretending to be Ariel from The Little Mermaid, you are lying. Personally, I was convinced that the stone house on the Nubble in Westport across from Boat Beach and Cherry and Webb was where all the mermaids lived. The swam up into the round part of the house through a hole in the floor that leads out to the ocean, obviously. I wanted to live there with them SO BAD.
Our neighbors in Rhode Island also hopped on the door (but we didn't leave them to drown like someone we know) and put Titanic at the top of their list. As far as the rest of New England, apparently New Hampshire is full of Saving Private Ryan fans and Vermonters spent a ton of time Googling Armageddon.
Was your favorite 90's movie Titanic? Let us know in the comments on Facebook.