Welcome into this week's Rock and Fox Show "Friday Song," a compilation of audio like you've never heard before.

Every Friday morning at 7:05 a.m., The Rock and Fox Show celebrates the arrival of the end of the week with a special "Friday Song." I have taken the instrumental parts of Todd Rundren's "Bang The Drum All Day"...

...and added my own twist of movie and TV clips for a crazy mix of epic fun.

Be sure to check out the audio compilation that includes a fun clip and look back at this week's Rock and Fox Show. Why do we do this, you might ask? Great question.


Monster Mash was a smash this year and I personally have to give it up for Michael Rock for putting together an awesome costume idea. He we

The song is designed to get you up and moving on a Friday morning in preparation for the weekend, and if this doesn't do it for you, then I'm not doing my job well enough. So, sit back, turn up your speakers a little louder, and enjoy!

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