The Kids Drive Smart SouthCoast Campaign Is Underway
It's scary to realize that brand new drivers of today are so much more at risk of getting into a car accident due to driving distracted than any other generation.
Fun 107 has teamed up with our various SouthCoast police departments, Toyota of Dartmouth and Check Collision to help get young people on board with safe driving. Drive Smart SouthCoast is designed to keep young drivers focused on the road and their surroundings while operating a vehicle and not on their phones texting and/or talking. Local police officers will be seriously cracking down on young adults driving distracted by pulling them over and issuing citations.
The law prohibits drivers under the age of 18 from using a phone or even a device while driving or at a stop sign. First offenders lose their license for 60 days and they'll pay a $100 fine. Who wants that? The kids don't and their parents definitely do not want that.
As a mother of a 15-year old who will be getting his license in the next year or two, I am 110 percent behind this Drive Safe SouthCoast Program. Honestly, not that I would want to see my son lose his license for 60 days, never mind pay a $100 fine, but I totally agree with it and feel it would really wake a kid up and make them realize the importance of not driving distracted.
I'm convinced this effort is going to save lives.