Ten Reasons Not To Move To The Southcoast
The Southcoast can be a great place, but it's not for everyone.
If someone you know is thinking of moving this way, here's some reasons they may want to think again...
- 1
You're going to put on weight
With all the delicious Portuguese food being made every day on the Southcoast, it's hard to say no to Vavo.
The malasadas, chourico, linguica, sweet breads and more are being served up every day at a number of Portuguese restaurants that are bound to do damage to your waist line.
- 2
Your arms will be jacked
Forget the gym, the Southcoast gets so much snow that your arms and back will buff up every winter as you shovel at least once a week!
- 3
Vacations will be pointless
When you live so close to the beach, why plan a vacation?
You could spend a day at the beach after a day at work the surf and sand is so close...so getaways will be a thing of the past.
- 4
Seafood will be ruined for you
Nothing from Red Lobster will ever taste fresh after you've eaten seafood on the Southcoast.
With billions of dollars in fish coming through the New Bedford ports every year, you can literally be eating something that was caught that day...every day.
- 5
You will never have a free weekend
With the number of feasts and festivals happening on the Southcoast every summer, every weekend will be full.
There's so many different events each weekend in the many cities and towns on the Southcoast, you can fill every summer weekend with festival fun!
- 6
You'll have no excuse for being late to work
Traffic on the Southcoast is pretty much none existent.
Sure there are occasionally accidents, but most days you've got smooth sailing...meaning you'll need another excuse when you show up late to the office.
- 7
You're ATV isn't an All Terrain Vehicle anymore
Forget All Terrain Vehicle, you're ATV on the Southcoast is now an Acushnet Terrain Vehicle.
People on the Southcoast don't care to off road, they want to on-road and take their ATV for a spin on the city streets.
- 8
You'll feel like an underacheiver
When mayor's are practically teenagers, you'll wonder what you've been doing all these years.
Coming to the Southcoast may make you feel like you haven't been productive enough since leaving high school.
- 9
There's no need to travel to Hollywood
Another vacation destination is pretty much pointless after moving to the Southcoast.
That's because stars like Justin Timberlake, Tea Leoni, Adrian Grenier, David Duchovny, Donnie Walhberg and Jenny McCarthy have all been spotted locally in recent years.
- 10
You'll have to buy new pajamas
Your pajama game will have to be kicked up a notch if you come to the Southcoast...cause at some point you are going to go out in public in them (everyone else seems to).