salvation army

Anonymous Donor Drops Ring into New Bedford Salvation Army Kettle
Anonymous Donor Drops Ring into New Bedford Salvation Army Kettle
Anonymous Donor Drops Ring into New Bedford Salvation Army Kettle
NEW BEDFORD - The New Bedford branch of the Salvation Army's "Red Kettle Campaign" has ended for the year, meeting its $100,000 goal. Kettles were placed with bell-ringers around the area to reach its goal, and because it met its goal this year, Major Gil Parkhurst says it will be getting an additional windfall...
Donations Down
Donations Down
Donations Down
'Tis the season for giving, but Major Gil Parkhurst of the New Bedford branch of the Salvation Army says folks aren't giving to the Red Kettle campaign as much this year when compared to last year. "Red Kettle is down about 35%. We were doing the numbers yesterday, so we're behind about $20,000," said Parkhurst...