Spillane on Fundraising for Playgrounds at New Bedford Schools [TOWNSQUARE SUNDAY]Spillane on Fundraising for Playgrounds at New Bedford Schools [TOWNSQUARE SUNDAY]Up until recently, funding to upgrade New Bedford school playgrounds were included in the school budget that the entire community paid for. Jim PhillipsJim Phillips
A New Playground for New Bedford’s Hathaway School [TOWNSQUARE SUNDAY]A New Playground for New Bedford’s Hathaway School [TOWNSQUARE SUNDAY]A fundraising event will be held Saturday, May 21st, 6 -11pm at the New Bedford Country Club off Slocum Road.Jim PhillipsJim Phillips
New Bedford Public School Teacher Has Mad At-Home Rap SkillsNew Bedford Public School Teacher Has Mad At-Home Rap SkillsA New Bedford teacher brightened our day with an at-home rap to get the kids cheering and laughing.Christine FoxChristine Fox