Change My Mind: A Glass of Milk Is a SnackChange My Mind: A Glass of Milk Is a SnackCall me strange, but I consider a glass of milk a fulfilling snack.GazelleGazelle
Are You Dunkin' Pumpkin Ready? [VIDEO]Are You Dunkin' Pumpkin Ready? [VIDEO]Pumpkin coffee returns to Dunkin' super early and I'm not even mad about it.GazelleGazelle
Change My Mind: Dr. SeussChange My Mind: Dr. SeussForget 'Horton Hears a Who" or "Are You My Mother?' 'Green Eggs and Ham' dominates the Dr. Seuss collection.GazelleGazelle
Change My Mind: BrowniesChange My Mind: BrowniesThe gooey center is tasty and all, but the satisfaction of eating a brownie comes from the corner or edge piece of the brownie sheet.GazelleGazelle
Gazelle's Dog Is Like Raising a ChildGazelle's Dog Is Like Raising a ChildI don't have any kids, but the amount of patience and work my girlfriend and I put into our puppy is just as exhausting. Change my mind.GazelleGazelle