Surprising Facts About Being Firstborn
There are plenty of studies out there that look at the effects of birth order. The latest is how being the first born in a family can affect your life.
The story can be found on the website The Stir and suggests several interesting traits that may be true about your first born.
Education Is Important:
The oldest children in the family have a slightly higher chance of going to college than the other children in the family. Firstborns will go to college 16% of the time more than their younger siblings.
They Love To Learn:
It has been found that the eldest child has the drive to learn and master everything while the other siblings just want to win. The eldest child will also typically choose a more academic-based career (doctors, lawyers...) compared to the younger kin.
Higher Risk Of Diabetes:
Firstborns have a higher risk of developing diabetes because they have a more difficult time absorbing sugars into the body and have a slightly higher daytime blood pressure according to a study done by the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism in New Zealand.
Firstborns Are Thinner:
In a study done by the same Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism the oldest child is typically taller and thinner than the children born after them.
They Are The Favorite Children:
In a study performed by Cornell the firstborns will spend on average 20 to 30 minutes more a day with Mom and Dad than the ones born after them.
They're More Creative:
Scientists from Washington University in St. Louis have found that firstborns are generally more creative than their younger siblings.
Female Firstborns Are More Bossy:
Girls, we are just a little bit bossy sometimes... Oh well, Sheryl Sandberg. Female firstborns are found to be bossier than male firstborns.
Allergy And Asthma Prone:
Genes are affected differently in firstborns according to the American Thoracic Society says that it is no a coincidence that the eldest children suffer from breathing problem sit is just simply genetics.
Parents Are More Protective:
Firstborns are usually watched over by their parents more than their younger siblings. They are subject to more rules and monitoring and suffering harsher punishments for wrong-doings than the laterborns.