Should You Tip For Take-Out?
Last night I used my debit card to pay for a take out meal from an area restaurant. The bill was a few cents over $27.00, so I rounded it out to an even $30.00. That amounts to a tip of almost 3 dollars for the server who went into the kitchen and grabbed my order. When I mentioned this on the show this morning, Michael Rock and Larry echoed my wife and asked "why?" Michael even insisted if the server had not been a young women, I would not have left a tip at all. That is so far from the truth.
I look at it as a form of courtesy for someone who takes care of my order. The tip is much less than I would have left had we eaten the meal at the restaurant. We heard from a couple of callers, both waitresses. They reminded everyone that they only earn about $2.65 an hour, and one said they are charged taxes on every order they sell. That includes take-out, at a rate of 15 percent. If that is the case, I guess I under-tipped with the 10 percent I left.
It's all a matter of personal discretion. I certainly don't have money to toss around, but I considered the tip a positive gesture for prompt service. I know if I had been the server, I would have appreciated it.