Providence Performing Arts Center to Reopen at 100 Percent Capacity
The Providence Performing Arts Center announced its comeback season today. Like so many other theaters across the country, the PPAC was forced to shutter its doors in March of last year and has eagerly awaited a chance to entertain once again. Today, the theater took a big step in making that happen.
The 2021-22 Broadway season will kick off in October with Pretty Woman: The Musical, October 9-16. Another highlight on the PPAC schedule is the return of Hamilton, November 30-Dec. 12. Hamilton is part of the six-show Broadway series, so anyone who subscribes to that is guaranteed seats to the PPAC favorite. There may be an opportunity for subscribers to order some additional advance tickets to Hamilton as well.
Blue Man Group will also return May 20-22, 2022, which is symbolically nice since that show was the first to be canceled when the lockdown occurred last spring.
The PPAC also intends to open up to 100 percent capacity, according to P.J. Prokop, Director of Marketing.
"This is not just the PPAC, this is Broadway at large, we're the kind of business that really has to be able to be open 100 percent," Prokop said.
Should health conditions shift, causing a need to cut down audience sizes, decisions would have to be made about rescheduling the show(s).
"In order for us to make everything work and for us to be able to bring the shows to Providence, financially, we have to be able to sell up to 100 percent capacity," Prokop said.
The full schedule can be viewed at the Providence Performing Arts Center's website.
Anyone who did renew for the 2020-21 season will find that the box office will be carrying over any payments made and applying them to the upcoming season.