School is ending all across the area and parents are trying to fill those summer days with fun.

So what better time to have new animals on exhibit at Roger Williams Park Zoo in Providence.

Several new animals have joined the over 800 that already call Roger Williams Park Zoo home and now you can finally see them in their natural settings inside this world class zoo.

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We told you about the addition of their seven-year-old serval Velma last spring.

In April of 2023, Velma was adopted from a facility in California that was closing, but an exhibit for her didn't exist yet.

READ MORE: Roger Williams Park Zoo Adopts Juvenile Serval

The zoo called upon visitors to help fund the construction of a home for Velma and animal lovers stepped up big time.

For months a new facility for Velma to call home has been in the works in the zoo's Fabric of Africa section and finally that work is complete. Velma is officially on exhibit for guests to greet after nearly a year of living out of sight at the zoo.

Roger Williams Park Zoo & Carousel Village via Facebook
Roger Williams Park Zoo & Carousel Village via Facebook

Similarly, the zoo's newest giraffe, Enzi, is finally able to greet the public as well.

Several months ago, a young male giraffe was brought to Roger Williams Park Zoo from the Franklin Park Zoo in Boston.

READ MORE: Franklin Park Zoo Shows Off Six-Foot Tall Baby Giraffe

Born last July at this nearby New England zoo, Enzi was brought to Providence to join Roger Williams Park Zoo's two female giraffes and hopefully continue the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) Species Survival Plan (SSP) for giraffes.

Courtesy of Roger Williams Park Zoo
Courtesy of Roger Williams Park Zoo

Masai giraffes, like Enzi, Cora and Providence, are classified as endangered after seeing a 50% population decrease over the last 30 years.

Programs like the SSP can help maintain robust, genetically diverse populations of threatened and endangered species, like the Masai giraffe.

Enzi has waited a few months off exhibit at the zoo undergoing medical observation and required quarantine time, but here on World Giraffe Week, officially joins Roger Williams Park Zoo's herd.

Guests can now see both amazing new animals whenever they visit Providence's premier zoo.

Why do giraffes have long necks? Answers to 25 animal evolution questions:

Stacker curated a list of 25 animal evolution questions and answers to explain some scientific mysteries, from why giraffes have such long necks to how ants can carry 50 times their body weight. 

Gallery Credit: Stacker

LOOK: Stunning animal photos from around the world

From grazing Tibetan antelope to migrating monarch butterflies, these 50 photos of wildlife around the world capture the staggering grace of the animal kingdom. The forthcoming gallery runs sequentially from air to land to water, and focuses on birds, land mammals, aquatic life, and insects as they work in pairs or groups, or sometimes all on their own.

Gallery Credit: Nicole Caldwell

20 Things To See at Roger Williams Park (Other Than the Zoo)

There are over 427 acres of beautiful landscaping, historical buildings and family friendly spaces at Roger Williams Park in Providence. Gifted to the city in 1872 by the last descendant of Roger Williams, Betsey Williams, the park has become primarily known for its amazing zoo. But throughout this historic district listed on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places, there are plenty of other stunning things to see.

Gallery Credit: Nancy Hall

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