The best excuses for being late to work that only New Bedford folks can use…


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The darn Bridge! It was closed…again!






Mas ran out of glazed donuts so I had to go wait in line at Dunkin.

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The 140 and Route 6 intersection was so backed up this morning that even the homeless that sleep across the street at Buttonwood Park were bull at all of the horns honking and waking them up.

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My corner 7-Eleven was robbed again last night, so they couldn’t make change for my black coffee, malasadas and Standard Times.

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The panhandlers at the entrance of Market Basket were holding up the line out this morning. If you stopped to give them a few bucks you had to actually get out of your car,

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walk over to them as they sit there all comfortable in their recliners and hand them your donation. They aint got time to actually get up out of their seat and walk over to your car window like the pan handlers in Boston do…


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