Kool Kone in Wareham Serves Up the Perfect Hot Dog
Kool Kone in Wareham has been a fan favorite in my family for years. A lot of people think of Kool Kone as a place to get ice cream (which it is), but the meals are among the most underrated on the SouthCoast.
Don't get trapped into thinking that Kool Kone is all about ice cream, and don't make the mistake in thinking that Kool Kone just has burgers and hot dogs. In addition to these things, you'll find things like shrimp Mozambique, steak tips and fried scallops on their menu.
For my money, though, I can't find a better hot dog on the SouthCoast than the one they serve up on the daily at Kool Kone. I'm not a fan of big, huge hot dogs. The Kool Kone dogs are kind of skinny, and they are served on a PERFECTLY grilled and buttered roll. I honestly think I could eat the roll alone. It's that good.
One final note, Kool Kone has some great chili, and they even sell pre-made chili mix for you to cook your chili at home. Give it a try. I recommend it.
Although Kool Kone used to close for the winter, those days are over. They finally caved into the public pressure to stay open year round.
We have your chance to try Kool Kone at half price. This Friday morning at 9 a.m. we're selling $20 gift cards for $10 while they last at SeizeTheDeal.com.
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