Is LARC The Right Decision For You
Long acting reversible contraception or LARC, is an option for women when selecting contraception and may be a good one for you.
You may have heard friends or even had your OB-GYN suggest an inter-uterine device [IUD] or an implant. So what are some of the facts and pros and cons. First and foremost, LARC is used for pregnancy prevention and does not protect the individual from disease spreading. But if you're not quite ready to start a family, taking a break between babies or even undecided about whether or not to have more children, then this could be the right option.
In comparison to other forms of contraception, LARC can be up to 20 times more effective than say the birth control pill. Long acting reversible contraception is comparable to a vasectomy or sterilization for men. The percentage of pregnancy with using an IUD or an implant is less than one percent. Another benefit to the LARC is that once you are ready to have children, removal of the implant or IUD is simple.
Of course, all that glitters is not gold. As with every hormone based method of contraception, there are potential side effects that include but are not limited to headaches, depression, nausea and weight gain. But the CDC still recommends IUD's and implants as the best form of birth control for teens.
For more information on family planning methods, Citizens For Citizens Family Planning is readily available and can answer questions confidentially. Regardless of your insurance coverage, they can provide services at an affordable rate and accept almost all insurances. Click here to read more about LARC from the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists.