How to Resell Your Used Wedding Dress
If you don't consider yourself to be a sentimental person, and you know that you have no reason to hang onto that wedding dress that you wore ONE time, then you might as well sell it and make some money back. A future frugal bride will thank you.
Maybe you’ve been holding out hope that one day you’ll have a daughter of your own who would consider altering your wedding dress to make it just right for her special day, and she has decided that it will NEVER happen. Maybe you could just don’t want it in the house anymore and frankly, could use the extra cash to fund more important things. Whatever your reason, we may have just stumbled upon the perfect solution. is a website that allows brides of the past to sell their unwanted, used wedding dresses to the brides of the future. Future frugal brides may fall in love with a dress that is out of their price range, but the same one (or similar) could just happen to be listed on this site and save the day!
There’s even a Wedding Dress Value Calculator for you to figure out how much your dress is worth to give you an idea of how much you could make off selling your old dress.