It's no secret that the future of energy here in New Bedford is going to rely on offshore wind.  The current offshore wind project is expected to supply generations with alternative energy and jobs, and Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School is meeting the needs of the future by giving their students the chance to study it.

GNBVT and Cuttyhunk STEAM Academy have announced a collaboration that focuses on the exploration of wind energy on the island of Cuttyhunk. This program allows students to gain exposure to renewable energy, other energy options, and the impact they could have on our local environment.

Engineering and 6 Media Technology students from GNB Voc-Tech went to Cuttyhunk to locate several spots on the island. Students also got the chance use binoculars to observe the construction of the offshore wind farm in progress. They also got a hands on lesson about cardinal and wind directions, important knowledge for the understanding of wind energy.

The group also searched for other nearby spots that could be potential wind turbine sites, such as Lookout Point and BBC Trail. Students analyzed several factors like longitude and latitude, elevation, and potential natural or physical obstacles above and below ground. The day culminated with the students participating in a data sharing session where they compared data and shared findings.

GNBVT Students
Courtesy of GNBVT

Back at the GNB Voc-Tech instructional lab, students will now construct tabletop wind turbines, alongside installing a backyard wind turbine on the roof of the school. The data collected from the students first venture to Cuttyhunk will lead to another, overnight program there this spring.

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