Free Parking at Gillette Stadium Could Be a Game Changer
If you have ever hit up Gillette Stadium you know how much of a nightmare the parking situation is.
Not only is it annoying, but I have been charged up to $50 to park. A trip to Gillette could easily cost me a few hundred bucks after parking.
During last year's Patriots season, Gillette tried out a free parking plan that apparently did make a difference, so they're rolling it out again this year.
So how do you get free parking at Gillette? First, this type of parking is only available in Lot 55 for now. The only catch it that you have to wait up to 75 minutes before your lot will able to depart following the end of the game.
For those that like to tailgate before and after a game or concert, this works perfectly. I absolutely wouldn't mind waiting a few more minutes after a show to not have to pay for parking. When you think about it, we would probably wait that long to actually get through the post-game traffic anyway.
For those that insist on paying for parking, if you want to park in the Gillette lots, the price will go up to $60, while the price for the parking lot across from the stadium will drop to $30.
So this football season, I may try and take in a game and I'm thinking this might be the way to go.
So if you decide to hit up a show or a game, the question is would you rather pay or wait? Hopefully, they will expand this program to other lots.