‘Do It For Dave’ Cancer Benefit
When the community comes together, great things can happen.
'Do It For Dave' is a cancer benefit event for local Dave Lavoie. This event includes auctions, raffles, food trucks, a craft fair with beer and wine. Basically, it boils down to lots of fun for only $20!
During the event you will be able to enjoy some live music from the following bands:
- Something Else
- Route 18
- Re-Play
Last but not least, headlining this event will be Likk, so plan accordingly and clear your plans!
T-shirts will also be available for purchase at this event to show your support for Dave Lavoie.
Come down on Saturday, September 22, from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Madeira Feast Grounds, 50 Madeira Ave. in New Bedford.