Dartmouth Shaw’s Removes ‘One Way’ Stickers From Aisle Floors
The moment has finally arrived. It’s the announcement I have been waiting for. This is a huge moment for the SouthCoast: the Dartmouth Shaw's has officially taken the directional arrows off the floor of its grocery aisles. So, my fellow shoppers, will you rejoice with me or are you sad to see those arrows go?
It was the hot topic all morning at Fun 107, when our coworker Kristen shared the good news.
“The one-way stickers on supermarket floors are being removed!” she exclaimed. She saw a worker remove them with her own eyes.
At this time, the parent company of Shaw's and Star Market is the only one to announce they're removing those arrows, and I have no doubt that the remaining supermarkets will follow suit.
I was not a fan of that inconvenient system. It forced you to go down each aisle instead of following your own path to your desired aisles. Too often was I tempted while I shielded my eyes in the candy aisle, and all too often did I make a wrong turn and have to sheepishly turn around and walk the correct way.
Others, however, are not so thrilled. Kristen’s husband is admittedly disappointed to see the arrows go.
“He loved that it was one way,” she said..
I can’t relate. I am pumped to have free reign of the aisles once again, but I’m sure Kristen’s husband isn’t the only one disappointed.
What’s your take?