Dartmouth Shaw’s Displays a Parfait With Uncanny ‘Toy Story’ Vibes You Can’t Unsee
When it comes to imagination, I like to believe that my brain is pretty strong in that department. Clouds, for one, are my favorite and can make almost anything appear to be something if you look close enough.
Today, a friend of mine submitted a photo she took of a single serving of parfait that instantly blew my mind.
"Check out this guy that caught my eye as I was strolling by," Katie Prenda messaged me. "I was at Shaw's a couple of hours ago and I was just walking by and my head snapped to the left because I caught this little smile."
Immediately I saw Forky from "Toy Story 4."
It might be a stretch, but there's no doubt about it: The quirky little smile is just too uncanny to go unnoticed. The more I look at this little parfait, the more joy it brings me.
"I hope the person who ended up buying it noticed as well," Prenda replied.
It's not every day that a snack smiles back (unless it's a handful of Goldfish). Sometimes it's the little things in life that we take for granted.
Now, before you ask if it's a "slow news day," understand that I'd much rather share this innocent story than report on how cruel the world can be.
If you ask me, the only thing missing here is a name (even if the parfait was gobbled up soon after it was spotted).
At the end of the day, the moral of this story is simple: Channeling your inner child from time to time can brighten your day as well as others', so don't be afraid to open your eyes and use your imagination from time to time.
It just might be right in front of you, smiling back.