Bailey the Dog (and His Hat) Had More Fun Last Summer Than I Did
Now that the warm weather is here, everyone is looking for dog-friendly activities and eateries on the SouthCoast.
Conveniently, someone was smart enough to organize that information into a website and all you have to do is punch in your city and select what type of place you're hoping to bring your Good Boy to.
In doing some research about dog-friendly places around town, a photo of this handsome Golden Retriever stood out amongst the rest, mostly because he was wearing a sailor hat.
Bailey the Dog and his hat enjoyed the Historic New Bedford Walking Tour one sunny day last summer and posed for photos, as tourists do, outside of the Whaling Museum's giant whale tail statue.
Its totally cute the way they got him to wear that hat, right? And, oh look, there he is it at the water fountain across Freestone's; I bet he took a quick drink, that silly pup.
I kept searching for dog-friendly places and up pops Bailey the Dog again. This time he and his sailor hat are in a little boat.
Then Baily the Dog explored the Edgartown Lighthouse and the Black Dog Tavern.
He made his way over to New York for a trip to Cedar Point Country Park, took a selfie at Fire Island Lighthouse, made his way over Montauk Lighthouse for a hike and another beach selfie, popped over to Lavender Bay to smell some flowers, and finally, Macari Vineyard for some wine tasting.
Bailey the Dog
Good for you, Bailey the Dog, for being so well behaved that you get to go on vacations the rest of us wish we could.
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