Let's be honest, you're probably not done Christmas shopping yet, but I'm here to help.

Every year you promise yourself that you're not going to wait until the last minute to go holiday shopping and yet... here we are. More than likely I'm speaking to mostly guys, because we're buffoons, but I wanna help everyone who can't seem to finish off that Christmas shopping list. Here's a few tips for those of you taking it down to the wire.


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    Have A Backup Plan

    You NEED to have a back up plan! Maybe that new video game, that new toy or that diamond necklace isn't available now. You have to be ready for that news. Whatever they've been hinting at for months isn't on the shelf anymore and who's fault is that? hmmm!?!

    That's why you need to have your thinking cap on and be ready to improvise on the spot to find something new. Something that won't leave anyone disappointed that they didn't get the original gift.

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    Online May or May NOT Be Your Friend

    So the store didn't have what they wanted... Now what!? There's always the online option, but will it ship in time!? Lots of places will promise to have your package there by Christmas but it's not an exact science.

    First of all, if you want it by Christmas that shipping usually comes with a more hefty price. If you've got the money to burn go for it, but there's always the chance that USP or FedEx gets backed up and your package still doesn't get to you on time. It's like Christmas shopping roulette!

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    Go Sentimental

    If you can't get them what they want, get them something with meaning. Remember, "It's the thought that counts!" That is, as long as you ACTUALLY put in some thought. Maybe your daughter's a dancer? Try and get tickets to a dance show for you both to spend time together. Maybe your son is dying for tickets to see their favorite team? Maybe you and your spouse could use a night out or a cool date night. Get tickets to a show, maybe a trip or even reservations at his/her favorite restaurant and pay for it all.

    A little thought can go a LONG way.

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    Money/Gift Cards

    This is pretty much a cop out, but it'll do. They wanted the new video game? Gift card to GameStop. They wanted some huge new toy set? Gift card to Toys R' Us. Whatever it is... get a gift card to the place that sells it, so when it's available again they can get it.

    It's the gift that screams "I didn't think about this at all and I shopped last minute," but it's better than nothing.

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    I HOPE YOU'VE LEARNED YOUR LESSON!!! Shopping last minute is the WORST. It adds so much pressure and makes everything either more expensive or more difficult. Just get off your butt and get your holiday shopping done on time from now on! Valentine's Day is right around the corner and TRUST ME, you don't want to screw that one up too.

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