Win A Weekend Away To Martha’s Vineyard
Summer is just around the corner and once again Fun 107 has your chance to spend some of it in the Vineyard!
Starting Monday May 14th, The Michael Rock Show will have your chance to win one of TWO weekend getaways to the Nobnocket Boutique Inn on Martha's Vineyard!
So what do you need to do to win?
First and foremost, make sure you have the free Fun 107 App on your phone and your contest notifications turned on.
Then watch for the cue to call in and win every weekday morning with the Michael Rock Show and bonus cues each afternoon with BMo and Nancy Hall.
Be the right caller when you get the App notification and you'll automatically win a pair of Seastreak Ferry passes to the Vineyard and be in the running for one of the weekend getaways!
The Michael Rock Show will call a grand prize winner of the weekend stay at the Nobnocket Boutique Inn on Friday May 18th and another grand prize winner on Friday May 25th...while they broadcast live from the Vineyard themselves!
Start your summer the way the Michael Rock Show is...on the Vineyard at the Nobnocket Boutique Inn!
Get the Fun 107 App now so you don't miss any of the cues to call in and win with Fun 107!