Well Deserved Recognition For New Bedford’s Seaport
"Nor'easter Men"" is a new reality TV show that deals with commercial fishing. It debuts Thursday Night on at 9pm The History Channel. The focus of the show will be the challenges and the hard work of the New England fisherman who work the Georges Bank and the Gulf of Maine. One of the fishing vessels featured is the New Bedford based "Apollo". The captain is Shawn Machie.
The captain says the cameras are always rolling, and some real life drama will be shown. What's most important though is recognition of the people who risk their lives while dealing with the challenges that have been thrown at this struggling industry.
Despite all of the NOAA regulations, New Bedford remains the country's leading revenue commercial fishing seaport. If you like the show, log on to The History Channel website and let them know. It could lead to a 12 episode contract for Captain Machie and his crew.