It's that time of year again.  As I drive home to my house tucked away deep in the forest, I inevitably see groups of hunters walking into or exiting the woods, especially when it's late in the afternoon/early evening.  That's when the target of their attention is the most active.  White-tail deer populate the woods all around my home, and they are the draw for the hunters.

While I've never gone hunting in my life, I know that the Monday after Thanksgiving means shotgun deer season in Massachusetts.  One thing you'll notice right away is the neon orange vests that all of the hunters wear.

According to, "All deer hunters, regardless of the hunting implement in use must wear blaze orange during the hunting season or at Wildlife Management Areas."  A minimum of 500 square inches of "blaze orange" is required on the chest, back, and head.  It's not a bad idea for hikers to wear orange, either, especially this time of year.

Interestingly enough, I've noticed that during archery season (which precedes shotgun season), many hunters will wear no orange.  Instead, they'll dress in head to toe camouflage.  I never understood this.  While I can understand why a hunter would want to blend in with the surroundings, I'd want to make 100% sure that any other hunter in the woods knew that I was unmistakably human.

It's also worth mentioning that a few things that are prohibited while hunting in Massachusetts.  Rifles, handguns, electronic calls, dogs, and decoys are all prohibited.  Baiting with any natural or artificial substance, including corn, wheat, apples, and salt to attract or entice deer.

Finally, it is against the law to intentionally leave a wounded or dead game animal in the field or the forest without making a reasonable effort to retrieve and use it.



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