Town-Wide Yard Sale Coming to Wareham Thanks to This Frugal Resident
Town-wide yard sales seem to be a growing trend on the SouthCoast, with more and more towns getting on board to bring the community together in search of hidden treasures.
After attending the town-wide yard sale in both Acushnet and Fairhaven, Wareham resident Michelle Annadale took the initiative and scheduled the first town-wide yard sale for her area.
Bringing a Yard Sale to Wareham
Michelle Annadale has been a Wareham resident for about twenty years and is an avid goer of yard sales.
“My boyfriend and I go to one every weekend,” she said. “I love finding things we may need, inexpensive items, gifts, or sometimes you’ll find brand new stuff for so cheap.”
After the Acushnet town-wide yard sale last weekend, Annadale had an idea.
“I thought to myself, ‘Why don’t we do this in our town?’ I put a post out online and asked people if they would want to do it. So many people showed interest,” she said.
Wareham’s Town-Wide Yard Sale Becomes Official
Annadale is collecting the addresses of participating homes for the first ever town-wide yard sale in Wareham on Saturday, Oct. 1. She has put together an official Facebook group for anyone looking to join or looking for more information.
Annadale’s goal is to provide a map of participating homes to make the event run smoothly and offered a pro tip for any novice yard-sale goers.
“Map your day out,” she said. “Definitely have a plan in place.”
Annadale hopes to have 100 houses signed up by Oct. 1.
“I’m hoping for a lot of participation and I’m hoping it’s going to continue year after year,” she said.
If it’s anything like Fairhaven’s or Acushnet’s, this will be one busy yard sale, chock-full of great finds.