Unexpected animal circumstances have occurred recently in our area. Just this past weekend, a flamingo was spotted walking along the beach on Cape Cod.

This week, an entire community rallied together to safely reunite a pair of escaped horses with their owner after they were seen galloping along Cranberry Highway in Wareham.

The incident happened earlier this week during Amazing Grace Equine's annual trail ride at Myles Standish State Forest in Plymouth.

Derel Lee Twombly, owner of Amazing Grace Equine, said horse lovers and owners from all over are known to partake in the tradition, which is just one of their many fundraisers.

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During the weekend, two riders extended their visits throughout the trails by taking their horses to a nearby pond. What was meant to be a peaceful experience ended up in unexpected chaos. Shortly after arriving, the horses bolted through the trails, out of sight, leaving the riders behind.

Moments later, local equestrians were notified and a BOLO alert was issued to the horse community about the escapees.

"The horses were spotted galloping down the side of Route 25 towards the Cape Cod Canal about nine miles from where they began. The Massachusetts State Police were notified and kept the horses safe from traffic," Twombly said.

Although state troopers assisted the horses, they still managed to escape from within the area. This time, they headed towards the mobile home park across from Water Wizz in Wareham before two men eventually apprehended them and safely returned them to their owners.

Spotting any wild animal outside of its typical domain can cause panic for many people. What happened with the horses, however, was the complete opposite. Trombly highlighted the power of community and the fact that good things can happen when people rally together.

"Every person who heard about this situation, to a person, was willing to become involved either on horseback or with a trailer or any other manner in which to get these two horses home safely," Twombly said.

It wasn't just a group but an entire community that brought the positive outcome. Thankfully, no person or animals were injured.

What Is Amazing Crace Equine About?

Amazing Grace Equine is a non-profit organization that provides emergency shelter for horses. Their mission is to intervene in crises, providing shelter, care and eventually a new home for the animals. You can follow the group on Facebook to stay updated on everything it does for the community.

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